Second edit:
class SetData(APIView):
def post(self, request):
q_num = request.GET.get('q_num', False)
for i in range(int(q_num)):
for j in range(4)
text=request.POST['answers_{}_{}].format(i, j),
this is how you pass question total number via your request:
<form action="{% url 'add_test' internship.id %}?p_num=set this with js" method="POST" >
to set q_num with js, you need to select your "form element" and edit it’s action. something like:
<form action="{% url 'add_test' internship.id %}" method="POST" >
document.getElementById("add_test_form").action += '?q_num=' + num_of_qu;
you won’t need to change your url.
First edit:
I can’t help you with javascript but here’s how you get data from a post requst in django:
(This is a class based view, not much different from function based.)
class SetData(APIView):
def post(self, request):
test_num_questions =
# or if for example you wanna check if a submit input
# (name='mysubmit') is clicked (in this case, you're
# not sure if request.POST['test_num_questions']
# returns True or error:
mysubmit =
request.POST.get('mysubmit', False)
# returns False if it there's no
# request.POST['mysubmit']
Btw, why don’t you use django forms or even better, django model forms?