[Fixed]-Django runserver color output



This is the default palette:

    'ERROR':        { 'fg': 'red', 'opts': ('bold',) },
    'NOTICE':       { 'fg': 'red' },
    'SQL_FIELD':    { 'fg': 'green', 'opts': ('bold',) },
    'SQL_COLTYPE':  { 'fg': 'green' },
    'SQL_KEYWORD':  { 'fg': 'yellow' },
    'SQL_TABLE':    { 'opts': ('bold',) },
    'HTTP_INFO':         { 'opts': ('bold',) },
    'HTTP_SUCCESS':      { },
    'HTTP_REDIRECT':     { 'fg': 'green' },
    'HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED': { 'fg': 'cyan' },
    'HTTP_BAD_REQUEST':  { 'fg': 'red', 'opts': ('bold',) },
    'HTTP_NOT_FOUND':    { 'fg': 'yellow' },
    'HTTP_SERVER_ERROR': { 'fg': 'magenta', 'opts': ('bold',) },


Haven’t done it by myself, but here are some links which will help:

Basically, colors are set via DJANGO_COLORS environment variable:

export DJANGO_COLORS="light"


To add a bit more to Pavel’s answer, here is the location of the file that contains the default color settings on a Mac (OSX 10.11 El Capitan). Note: this is for Django 1.9.

The color palette is located in a file called: termcolors.py, which is located in:


I installed Django in a virtual environment (“venv1”), so for me, the termcolors.py file is located here:


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