In your example you just create new object. In this case django-reversion
create initial state reversion for this object, but django-reversion
allows you to roll back to the state of any previous revision. So modify your ShipmentScanMapping
object and try again.
Initialize data:
>>> import reversion
>>> with reversion.create_revision():
... shipment_obj = Shipment(job_id = 12)
... shipment_obj.save()
>>> reversion.get_unique_for_object(shipment_obj)
[<Version: Shipment object>]
>>> with reversion.create_revision():
... your_model = ShipmentScanMapping.objects.create(arm_id = 12,status = 12,barcode = 12,reference_number = 12,customer_name =12,shipment=shipment_obj)
>>> reversion.get_unique_for_object(your_model)
[<Version: ShipmentScanMapping object>]
>>> your_model.arm_id
>>> your_model.id
Update data:
>>> with reversion.create_revision():
... your_model.arm_id=15
... your_model.save()
>>> reversion.get_unique_for_object(your_model)
[<Version: ShipmentScanMapping object>, <Version: ShipmentScanMapping object>]
>>> ShipmentScanMapping.objects.get(id=1).arm_id
>>> [r.field_dict.get('arm_id') for r in reversion.get_unique_for_object(your_model)]
[u'15', u'12']
>>> rev = reversion.get_unique_for_object(your_model)[-1]
>>> rev.field_dict.get('arm_id')
>>> rev.revert()
>>> ShipmentScanMapping.objects.get(id=1).arm_id
Can I revert only those changes which have been updated(PUT) or any
POST/DELETE request can also be revert?
You can also recover a deleted object, see docs.
How can I revert upto nth level?? Does [-1] means the DB will be
reverted to the latest update?
method returns a list of all previous versions, latest versions first. So you can select as usual selection from the list in python. By the way you can find the most recent version for a given date:
rev = reversion.get_for_date(your_model, datetime.datetime(2008, 7, 10))
if initially, the value was 3 and was updated with 12 and then
reverted back to 3. What happens with the value 12?? Also, how would I
revert back an insert(POST) query, eg:- if I inserted 12 and then I
want to revert this change?
Okay, let’s consider how it works. When you register your model, the django-reversion
begins to watch post_save
signals from the model. Whenever you save changes to a model, it is serialized using the Django serialization framework into a JSON string and save it to the database as a reversion.models.Version
So when you need reverting some version, django-reversion
load the appropriate Version model from the database, deserializing the model data, and re-saving the old data. During the re-saving the current state will be lost if not called method save. If it was called, the state will be stored in appropriate version(see text above).
If you need revert just created object, you should remove it manually.