In your index.html
you gave poll_id
as an argument, but thatβs just the name the argument will have within the detail
function; it is not defined in your template. The actual value you want to call the function with is probably poll.id
My mistake was a typo on detail.html
<form action={% url 'polls:vote' polls.id %}" method="post">
should have been
<form action={% url 'polls:vote' poll.id %}" method="post">
It took a while for me to realise the django traceback page was pointing me to the relevant line of code the whole time. :$
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This happened to me when I was reading tutorial. I didnβt change poll_id to pk:
url(r'^(?P<poll_id>\d+)/$', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'),
url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'),
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I encountered this error when I was using a string as a raw value, rather than surrounding by quotes i.e.
{% url 'my_view' string_val %}
instead of
{% url 'my_view' 'string_val' %}
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I struggled with this for a while. Then I noticed I had put poll.id and not Poll.id with a (capital P)
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also, in
i had spelling error
url(rβ^(?P[0-9]+)/$β, views.detail, name=βdetailsβ),
vs the correct code
url(rβ^(?P[0-9]+)/$β, views.detail, name=βdetailβ),
spent some time looking for the error, so look for proper spelling. lol
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The error got sorted out for me after correcting the filter condition in views.py.
snippet of my views.py
def post_share(request, post_id):
post = get_object_or_404(Post, id=post_id, status='Published')
snippet from my models.py
class Post(models.Model):
1st value is stored in the database and the second value is for displaying to the users.
raw data from my mysql DB
| title | status |
| Revolution 2020 | published |
| harry potter and the sorcerer's stone | published |
| harry potter and the cursed child | draft |
| five point someone | published |
| half girlfriend | draft |
| one night at the call center | published |
| Django by example | published |
When I had used βpublishedβ, I was getting the said error. Once I changed the filter to βPublishedβ it all sorted out.
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Be careful with your primary key datatype. In my case, i mistakently used int instead str.
if pk is string,
path('addesm/pending/<str:pk>', views.addesm, name='add ESM')
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