[Django]-Django Reuseable Apps



James Bennett’s Practical Django Projects does a pretty good job of covering those topics in general and even includes a chapter specifically on “Writing Reusable Django Applications” that goes through an example of splitting one of the example projects in the book out into its own app.



You can watch video (DjangoCon 2008: Reusable Apps) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-S0tqpPga4 and get the idea, how to use it.

There are a lot of reusapbe apps at Google, djangosnippets, git, etc. Most popular:

  • django-contact-form – feedback form;
  • django-debug-toolbar – watch sql queries and etc;
  • django-registration + django-profiles – skip regs routines;
  • django-mptt – use tree structure;
  • django-pagination – usefull per-page viewer;
  • django-stdimage or sorl-thumbnail – image routines;
  • south – schema migrations;

Read samples docs and save your dev-time. Good luck!



If you want to see “sample projects with reusable apps interacting with each other,” there’s no better place to go than downloading Pinax, cloning one of their sample projects (just follow the docs) and reading through the code carefully.

👤Carl Meyer

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