[Answered ]-Django returns an array instead of a dictionary (rest-api-framework



What could be the reason?

This is simply how a QuerDict is represented. This is because in a querystring and in a HTTP header, the same key can occur multiple times. It thus maps a key to the value.

If you subscript the item [Django-doc], like request.POST['token'] it will always return the last element, if you use .getlist(โ€ฆ) [Django-doc], it will return a list of all items:

request.POST['token']          # 1234
request.POST.getlist('token')  # ['1234']

Furthermore, as you found out, you can not pass a dictionary as value. If you want to send this, you need to serialize it, for example as a string:

import json

data = {
    'data': json.dumps({

then at the receiving end, you can deserialize these:

import json


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