[Fixed]-Django returns 404 after using restframework into existing project


According to the comments above, this is happening cause of a wrong hardcoded URL by your side.

Instead of visiting yous should be visiting

Notice that inside your root urls.py you have this:

url(r'^posts/', include("posts.urls", namespace='posts'))

and inside the posts.urls you have:

url(r'^api/(?P<id>[\w-]+)/like/$', views.PostLikeAPIToggle.as_view(), name='like-api-toggle')

So, the correct structure of the URL is this:

[--- from root urls.py ----] [--from posts urls--]      api/1/like/

You can also determine the url like this:

> ./manage.py shell

from django.urls import reverse

print(reverse('posts:like-api-toggle', kwargs={'id': 1}))

Note: You can also remove the app_name = 'posts' from your app‘s urls.py. You are defining the namespace inside your root urls.py (include("posts.urls", namespace='posts'))

Hope that helps you!


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