[Fixed]-Django-rest-swagger: how to group endpoints?



I see that people keep visiting this question and upvote it. This means the question is actual. I can describe what I ended up with with similar task recently.

I created a YAML representation of API endpoints according to OpenAPI spec. I had to keep the same API endpoints on the backend too and this is a drawback as this is not auto-generated docs.

I installed Swagger-UI with docker and it uses my YAML spec to represent Swagger page.

It is easy to separate endpoints by custom groups and even have one endpoint in two groups.



You can have a urls.py in your tasks app (I assume there is one), and declare them in your /tasks urls.

One of this for each of your endpoints

url(r'^ tasks/(?P<task_id>\w+)$',

And this in your api root urls.py

url(r'^api/', include('api.tasks.urls'), name='my-api-root'),

BUT, looks like you could use DRF routers


What about that setting?

    'SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX': '/api/tasks',

Or, not tested, but it seems that you can use the tags param from @extend_schema to customize the grouping of the endpoints.


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