[Answer]-Django Rest Framewrok query problems with sum



The problem is that you are calling the serializer with total which is a non-iterable type, namely a number.

From the docs:

aggregate() is a terminal clause for a QuerySet that, when invoked, returns a dictionary of name-value pairs. The name is an identifier for the aggregate value; the value is the computed aggregate.

In your case:

OutgoingInvoice.objects.filter(organization_id=user_pk, status_id__in=[2,3]).aggregate(total=Sum('total_invoice_amount', field="total_invoice_amount"))
# >> {'total': 123.5} (example value)

I don’t know what you want your serializer to show but if you are trying to have the sum of the amounts for each user you may do something like this:

User.objects.annotate(total=Sum("outgoing_invoice_set__total_invoice_amount")).filter(pk=user_pk, status_id__in=[2, 3])

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