[Fixed]-Django REST Framework + django-rest-auth: Error during setup of Angular helper module


I ended up figuring this out, I believe it’s related to something with my development environment (Windows, Python 3.4, Visual Studio 2015 + Python Tools for Visual Studio).

I simply declared the angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp at the top of my JS file, above the line where I declared my own app with the registration app as a dependency. So it looks like this:

angular.module('angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp', []);    

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ngRoute', 'xeditable', 'angularDjangoRegistrationAuthApp']);

I’m not sure why this is necessary, as the person I’m working with (not using VS + PTVS) doesn’t require the extra declaration in order to successfully load the module. I’ve had to add similar declarations for a couple other Angular modules I’m using, while my friend has had no issue simply adding them as dependencies in the main app declaration.

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