The problem is that id
fields are read_only=True
in DRF’s ModelSerializer
hence they are dropped in the validation cycle. Making update to work requires more work. I had to do something similar for DRF-bulk and the solution I ended up turned out was to create a serializer mixin which would put the id back. You can see the source code here. Also I have some additional information in the README.
In case the code gets moved or something like that, here is the copy-paste of the serializer mixin:
class BulkSerializerMixin(object):
def to_internal_value(self, data):
ret = super(BulkSerializerMixin, self).to_internal_value(data)
id_attr = getattr(self.Meta, 'update_lookup_field', 'id')
request_method = getattr(getattr(self.context.get('view'), 'request'), 'method', '')
# add update_lookup_field field back to validated data
# since super by default strips out read-only fields
# hence id will no longer be present in validated_data
if all((isinstance(self.root, BulkListSerializer),
request_method in ('PUT', 'PATCH'))):
id_field = self.fields[id_attr]
id_value = id_field.get_value(data)
ret[id_attr] = id_value
return ret
I spoke with tomchristie on IRC. Adding an explicit id field in my serializer and making it not read_only solved the issue.
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