[Answered ]-Django-registration-redux and spurious migration from DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD of BigAutoField


I see that registration already has default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.AutoField', so I’m puzzled as to why Django is making this migration.

The reason default_auto_field will likely not work is because it is defined on the model, not the app config.

I tried adding my own registration/apps.py into source code control with default_auto_field as AutoField, and that didn’t work.

This will work… on your registration app, so the models defined in that app, not in other apps.

Likely the best way to fix this is to fix it on the package itself, by specifying an AppConfig that then defines, for the scope of that package, the default_auto_field. I submitted a pull request (#431) [GitHub] for this.

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