[Answer]-Django recursive menu



You have two errors. Firstly you should be iterating through child.children.all, not chil..., and secondly that final loop needs to be moved inside the second one.


Here is the easiest solution in my opinion:

First of all, create some ‘recursive_menu.html’ template and put this code:

<li>{{ category.title }}
            {% if category.children %}
                {% for child in category.children.all %}
                    {%with category=child template_name="shop/recursive_menu.html" %}
                       {%include template_name%}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}

As the same time your base template looks like:

{% for category in categories %}
     {% include "shop/recursive_menu.html" %}
{% endfor %}


  1. Code iterates through all of the category items in root ‘categories’.
  2. Outputs each category and associated layout.
  3. If the category has children:

    • Set the category variable as the children of the current categories.
    • Recursive call to current template file.
    • Output any nested children in a nested list.
    • Repeat recursion as necessary.

Result looks like this:

enter image description here

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