In Django >1.8 you could use F() expressions:
# ParkingLots with even numbered lot_numbers
ParkingLot.objects.annotate(odd=F('lot_number') % 2).filter(odd=False)
# ParkingLots with odd numbered lot_numbers
ParkingLot.objects.annotate(odd=F('lot_number') % 2).filter(odd=True)
This won’t work in older versions of Django though.
This query can be done in Database Layer.
even_lots = ParkingLot.objects.filter(id__iregex='^\d*[02468]$') # Hit Database
odd_lots = ParkingLot.objects.filter(id__iregex='^\d*[13579]$') # Hit Database
Behind the scene, the even queryset will create the following SQL Query.
FROM parkinglot
WHERE id REGEXP '^\d*[02468]$'
Provided that we are interested in odd XOR
even. I believed this should be the preferred method. However, I’m not sure, but heard that regex is slow.
Check @jproffitt, That should be the best.
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This query can be done in Python level.
parking_lots = list(ParkingLot.objects.all()) # Hit Database once
odd_lots = parking_lots[0::2]
even_lots = parking_lots[1::2]
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