You know the equipment serial no., so use –
equip = Equipment.objects.get(serialno=sn)
Because your equipment
field of RSL class and Equipment
class are a Many2Many relation, there maybe more than one RSL class objects related to one Equipment object. To get the queryset, use –
rsl_queryset = equip.rsl_set.all()
(Please check whether rsl_set
is a method of equip object by checking if it is listed in dir(equip)
. Looking at your model, most probably it is. BTW, you can change it to the name you want by adding related_name = “name you want” to the definition.
For eg: –
equipment = models.ManyToManyField(Equipment, related_name = "rsl_objects")
This way you can access it by rsl_queryset = equip.rsl_objects.all()
Now you have got a queryset containing RSL objects related to equip object. So, iterate over them to get the values you want –
for rsl_object in rsl_queryset:
print "site = " + rsl_object.sitename.site