I tried to understand your question and I will answer with an example from my Django web application.
In my case, but yours is similar, I have a template which renders all companies from my database in a table. I display all companies and if I click in a cell, I can consult a new template with all informations according to this company. It’s exactly the same issue that you asking for.
First step : urls.py file
In this file, I have 3 urls according to your issue :
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^Formulaire/Societes$', views.Identity_Societe_Form, name = "SocieteFormulaire"),
url(r'^Resume/Societes$', views.Identity_Societe_Resume, name = "SocieteResume"),
url(r'^Contrat/Societe/(?P<id>\d+)/$', views.Identity_Contrat, name="Contrat"),
lets to fill the form and save the object in my databaseSocieteResume
lets to display all companies in a table with multiple informations. In this table, I can click inside in order to display the company template.Contrat
lets to display a template in function of the choosen company
Second step : view.py file with Resume function
In my view, I have a function which let to display all companies inside an HTML Template.
def Identity_Societe_Resume(request) :
societe = Societe.objects.all()
contrat = SocieteContrat.objects.all()
paginator = Paginator(societe, 10)
page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
societe = paginator.page(page)
except PageNotAnInteger:
societe = paginator.page(1)
except EmptyPage:
societe = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
paginator = Paginator(contrat, 10)
page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
contrat = paginator.page(page)
except PageNotAnInteger:
contrat = paginator.page(1)
except EmptyPage:
contrat = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
"societe" : societe,
"contrat" : contrat,
return render(request, 'Identity_Societe_Resume.html', context)
I display all companies registered in my database in this html template named : Identity_Societe_Resume.html
The core of this template looks like :
<h4><b> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span></span> Récapitulatif des Sociétés ayant souscrit à un contrat de services : </b></h4>
<table style="width:125%">
{% for item in societe %}
<td><a href="http://localhost:8000/Identity/Contrat/Societe/{{item.id}}"> Ici </a></td>
<td>{{ item.Nom}}</td>
<td>{{ item.Etat}}</td>
<td>{{ item.SIRET }}</td>
<td>{{ item.SIREN }}</td>
<td>{{ item.NAF_APE }}</td>
<td>{{ item.Adresse }}</td>
<td>{{ item.Ville}}</td>
<td>{{ item.Pays.name }}</td>
{% endfor %}
As you can see, my table displays some informations and displays the company ID
. But this information is a link to the company template according to the urls.py
file shown previously.
Third step : views.py file with company informations
In this step, I display informations according to the good company.
In my url, I have : http://localhost:8000/Identity.Contrat/Societe/1
Number 1
displays informations about company 1
Then I have in my view :
def Identity_Contrat(request, id) :
societe = get_object_or_404(Societe, pk=id)
contrat = get_object_or_404(SocieteContrat, pk=id)
#etc ...
It’s really important to have : (request, id)
and in each queryset I referred about company ID
Finally, in my template I have :
<h4><b> Récapitulatif concernant la société : {{societe.Nom}}</b></h4>
<table style="width:125%">
<td>{{ societe.Nom}}</td>
<td>{{ societe.Etat}}</td>
<td>{{ societe.SIRET }}</td>
<td>{{ societe.SIREN }}</td>
<td>{{ societe.NAF_APE }}</td>
<td>{{ societe.Adresse }}</td>
<td>{{ societe.Ville}}</td>
<td>{{ societe.Pays.name }}</td>
Hopefully this example is helpful and I apologize about my English which is very suck ..