Adding to @Bernhard answer, other possible solution can be achieved using the Q()
from django.db.models import Q
filters = Q(manytomany=None)
filters = ~Q(manytomany=None)
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Even though the topic has already an answer this could be of help. Try with lookups:
empty = TestModel.objects.filter(manytomany__isnull = True)
#........If you want to get their counter part
not_empty = TestModel.objects.filter(manytomany__isnull = False)
Basically, you get two query sets: one where your manytomany fields are empty, and the other with objects that have data in the manytomanyfield.
Hope this could be of some help!
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this is an old question but I needed it and the provided answers didn’t work for me, but I did fix it and got the proper filtering (on Django 2.2) this is how:
as you can see using the model name all lower case then two underscores then the many to many model name that did it for me
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