[Django]-Django: Python global variables overlap, even for separate runs


You should probably redesign your code to get rid of the global variable, as other answers and comments say. Something along the lines of:

class WebpageStructure(object):
    def __init__(self, html):
         # parse the html
         self.structure = self.parse(html)
    def contains_link(self):
         # figure it out using self.structure
         return ...

# in the view(s)
webpage = WebpageStructure(html_to_parse)
if webpage.contains_link():

There are however options:

  1. If your code always runs in a single thread you can fix the problem by setting g_variable to [] between each run. There is probably one top-level function (a Django view function perhaps?) that always marks the start of each run. You should re-initialize the g_variable in this top-level function.

  2. If your code runs multi-threaded, you cannot use a normal global variable. Concurrent threads will update the same global variable.

    Regarding 1 and 2: To run a Django site in a single thread, use manage.py runserver --nothreading for the development server. If you host your site in apache/mod_wsgi, you can control this using daemon mode. Note that you can run multiple single-threaded side-by-side processes. Using a global variable will work in that scenario, since the processes are isolated.

    If possible your code should work in any process/thread model.

  3. If your code runs multi-threaded and you really want to avoid passing around the g_variable list you can use thread-local variables. Documentation here and here.


import threading
threadlocal = threading.local()

def mydjangoview(request):
    # In your top-level view function, initialize the list
    threadlocal.g_variable = []
    # Then call the functions that use g_variable

    # ... and then I guess you probably return a response?
    return Response(...)

def foo():

def bar():

Other links:


That’s how global variables work in Python. The global state persists for as long as the web application server keeps running.

A common solution would be to put your functions in a class, store the per-request state on that class and use a new instance of that class for each request.


Using global variables, except for constants, is almost always error-prone, and often produces code that is difficult to read. Therefore, it is the wrong concept. Receiving an argument, modifying and returning it is much more explicit about what a function is doing than on-the-fly modification of a global variable.

So yes, I would go ahead and implement the receive-modify-return concept or wait until someone has a special “djangonic” solution to your problem.


Your problems can be resolved by implementing a cache – a simplified explanation of a cache is – a global variable across a session.

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