[Django]-Django – Print dict in template


Finally I got it working by passing out.items() to the template and iterating over out, so:


context = {'out': out.items()}
return render(request, 'components_by_season.html', context)

in my temmplate:

{% for k,v in out %}
    <p>{{ k }}: {{ v.total_qty }}</p>
{% endfor %}


Assuming this is actually your real code, my_var is a dict, not a list. Iterating over a dict just gives you the keys; if you want the values as well, you should iterate over .items(). So:

    {% for k, v in my_var.items %}
        <li>{{ k }}: {{ v.total_qty }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

Note also, there is no product key; the name of the product is just the key in the outer dict.


If you just want to print this to debug, you can use the pprint filter:


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