[Django]-Django: Prevent string being unicode escaped?



If you want json.dumps to maintain the special characters I think you may find useful the arguments ensure_ascii=False.

  1. Take a look at this answer: Unicode values in strings are escaped when dumping to JSON in Python
  2. This is the docs for json.dumps

Instead of doing it yourself, ensure_ascii=False I think will solve the problem of json escaping the output.


>>>u'{"h": "\xc2\xa3"}'

UPDATE: Comparison of json.dumps with and without ensure_ascii and a unicode string:

In [7]: json.dumps({'a':u'\u00a3'},ensure_ascii=False)
Out[7]: u'{"a": "\xa3"}'

In [8]: json.dumps({'a':u'\u00a3'})
Out[8]: '{"a": "\\u00a3"}'

Hope this helps!


I can’t reproduce this. I tried both giving json.dumps Unicode objects and UTF-8 encoded byte strings, and in both cases I got the correctly Unicode escaped json data out:

>>> json.dumps({'foo': u'lölölö'})
'{"foo": "l\\u00f6l\\u00f6l\\u00f6"}'
>>> json.dumps({'foo': u'lölölö'.encode('utf8')})
'{"foo": "l\\u00f6l\\u00f6l\\u00f6"}'

I tried this in Python 2.6 and 2.7, as well as in Python 3.1:

>>> json.dumps({'foo': 'lölölö'})
'{"foo": "l\\u00f6l\\u00f6l\\u00f6"}'

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