[Answered ]-Django Posts Not Working:


Can you directly access your javascript files from the production server? Which Django version are you using in production? If you are using 1.2.5+ in production, you will need to push the csrf token to the server during an AJAX post operation.

See the release notes in 1.2.5 and CSRF

To check your Django version:

import django

Print the above in your production site or from the shell in your production server while making sure you are using the proper Python path.


Your code appears fine with a cursory glance, but I’ll show you an example of my ajax form processing code in a hope it’ll help with figuring out the error that’s occurring. Though, what @dmitry commented should be your first debugging step – use firebug or the inspector to see if the ajax call returns an error.

// js (jQuery 1.5)
$(form).submit(function(event) {
            $.post(post_url, $(form).serialize())
              .success(function(data, status, jqxhr) {
                if (data.success) { // form was valid
                    // other irrelevant code
                      .html('Form Successful');
                } else { // form was invalid
                    $(form).siblings('span').addClass('error').html('Error Occurred');
              .error(function(jqxhr, status, error) { // server error
                $(form).siblings('span').addClass('error').html("Error: " + error);

// django
class AjaxFormView(FormView):
    def ajax_response(self, context, success=True):
        html = render_to_string(self.template_name, context)
        response = simplejson.dumps({'success': success, 'html': html})
        return HttpResponse(response, content_type="application/json", mimetype='application/json')

// view deriving from AjaxFormView

    def form_valid(self, form):
        registration = form.save()
        if self.request.is_ajax():
            context = {'competition': registration.competition }
            return self.ajax_response(context, success=True)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(registration.competition.get_absolute_url())

    def form_invalid(self, form):
        if self.request.is_ajax():
            context = { 'errors': 'Error Occurred'}
            return self.ajax_response(context, success=False)
        return render_to_response(self.template_name, {'errors':form.errors})

Actually, comparing the above to your code, you may need to set the content_type in your django view so that jQuery can understand and process the response. Note that the above is using django 1.3 class-based views, but the logic should be familiar regardless. I use context.success to signal if the form processing passed or failed – since a valid response (json) of any kind will signal the jQuery.post that the request was successful.

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