[Django]-Django: permission denied when trying to access database after restore (migration)



It turns out that you should grant explicit ownership of all objects in the database to the owner after restore. The owner is not a superuser. It’s not enough to only set the owner at database creation time. The final solution for migration goes like this:

on the client:

pg_dump -f dump.sql -Ox database

on the server:

su postgres    
dropdb database
createdb database -O user
psql database -f dump.sql

and then to set the privileges:

psql database -c "GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to user;"
psql database -c "GRANT ALL ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public to user;"
psql database -c "GRANT ALL ON ALL FUNCTIONS IN SCHEMA public to user;"

Note that we could’ve run the sql command in psql console but this form is easily embeddable in scripts and such.


Try to do this from postgres user:

sudo su - postgres
pg_dump -f dump.sql -Ox database

Or just pass -U flag:

pg_dump -f dump.sql -Ox database -U postgres


Here’s how I fixed mine. I saved myself a ton of a headache by simply changing the user to match the current logged in user of the destination server where the import will happen.

In my case, the imported db had a user of x (x was also the username for the machine it was running on), and the destination machine had a username of y, and a postgres user of y too.

Therefore, I simply changed the Database User and Password in my Django settings to match the destination machine’s y user details.

Then did this:

$ sudo -u postgres psql

Sipping some kool-aid now!

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