First off @mcastle Thank you so much for your help. But I just couldn’t figure out the Django signals.
Ok so what I had to do in the end is go to the paypal.standard.ipn.views file and import my app and call the show_me_the_money view from there at the very bottom of the view just before it returns the http response.
So the notify url in the paypal dict like this…
"notify_url": "http://wackosmackosite.com/show_me_the_money/",
And the url in my urls file is like this..
url(r'^show_me_the_money/', include('paypal.standard.ipn.urls')),
I was able to extract the info I needed to update my database from the arguments passed to show_me_the_money. like this…
def show_me_the_money(sender, **kwargs):
ipn_obj = sender
if payStatus=='Completed':
Then in the paypal ipn view
at the top…
from myApp.views import show_me_the_money
At the bottom…
s_m_t_m=show_me_the_money(request, item_check_callable=None)
return HttpResponse("OKAY")
I found this whole set-up very confusing and think the documentaion for me just leaves lots of important stuff out. Anyway This is working perfect now and I just got off the phone with pay pal and they are happy it is configured correctly.
Review Django’s documentation on signals. show_me_the_money
looks like it needs to be connected to a signal.