[Answered ]-Django-paypal ipn notify_url not responding


As per the documentation, you have correctly added following line in urls.py

(r'^notify', include('paypal.standard.ipn.urls')),

Above code snippets means that https://example.com/notify url directly call the paypal pacakge views ipn funcation, which is actually designed for handling the ipn response.

So @Shivratna you don’t need to implement any other notify function in your views.

Can you make sure following things are done, before you do the paypal transaction:

  1. notify url correct in your sandbox or live paypal account settings
  2. as well as in the config dict like paypal_dict_flexible
  3. assuming you have installed package properly, but don’t forgot to run python manage.py syncdb which creates tables for django-paypal package

I hope my suggestion will show you right direction 😉


I don’t know why you think that the /notify url should call your view. Your url configuration points your /notify url to the paypal.standard.ipn.views.ipn view by including the paypal url configuration.

If you want to call your notify view, you should include it in your url configuration:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^notify/$', myapp.views.notify),

However, I highly doubt you’d want to write your own view for the paypal ipn callback. Django-paypal’s default ipn view includes signal hooks where you can easily add your own custom logic.


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