If it’s of any use, you can chain filter expressions in Django:
query = Item.objects.filter(attributes__string_value='red').filter(attributes__int_value=3')
From the DOCS:
This takes the initial QuerySet of all entries in the database, adds a filter, then an exclusion, then another filter. The final result is a QuerySet containing all entries with a headline that starts with “What”, that were published between January 30, 2005, and the current day.
To do it with .filter()
but with dynamic arguments:
args = {
'{0}__{1}'.format('attributes', 'string_value'): 'red',
'{0}__{1}'.format('attributes', 'int_value'): 3
You can also (if you need a mix of AND
and OR
) use Django’s Q objects.
Keyword argument queries – in filter(), etc. – are “AND”ed together. If you need to execute more complex queries (for example, queries with OR statements), you can use Q objects.
A Q object (django.db.models.Q) is an object used to encapsulate a
collection of keyword arguments. These keyword arguments are specified
as in “Field lookups” above.
You would have something like this instead of having all the Q objects
within that filter:
** import Q from django
from *models import Item
#assuming your arguments are kwargs
final_q_expression = Q(kwargs[1])
for arg in kwargs[2:..]
final_q_expression = final_q_expression & Q(arg);
result = Item.objects.filter(final_q_expression)
This is code I haven’t run, it’s out of the top of my head. Treat it as pseudo-code if you will.
Although, this doesn’t answer why the ways you’ve tried don’t quite work. Maybe it has to do with the lookups that span relationships, and the tables that are getting joined to get those values. I would suggest printing yourQuerySet.query
to visualize the raw SQL
that is being formed and that might help guide you as to why .filter( Q() & Q())
is not working.