[Django]-Django on IronPython



Besides the Jeff Hardy blog post on Django + IronPython mentioned by Tony Meyer, it might be useful to also read Jeff’s two other posts in the same series on his struggles with IronPython, easy_install and zlib. The first is Solving the zlib problem which discusses the absence of zlib for IronPython; hence, no easyinstall. Jeff reimplemented zlib based on ComponentAce’s zlib.net. And finally, in easy_install on IronPython, Part Deux Jeff discusses some final tweaks that are needed before easy_install can be used with IronPython.



This was demoed at last year’s PyCon (the details are also available). More recently, Jeff Hardy has blogged about this, including suggestions.


I don’t think Django is yet working on IronPython, but I’m not saying it cannot be done.

Django-ironpython project is a work currently underway to run Django on IronPython. The project has reported 65.7% test pass rate with sqlite on 2nd of May 2010.

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