Thanks for the support.
The issue has been resolved by recreating the user in keycloak with full details.
Please finds the screenshot.Keycloak user creation
The key issue is here that keycloak_oidc is used, specifically notice the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS. It is a project that synchronizes the attributes found in OIDC with the local Django installation, unlike mozilla-django-oidc which merely does authentication. The answer above is the key to solving this issue, once the email address (plus first and lastname) are not provided it cannot be added to Django. It is likely that this fails to with any OIDC provider which does not add these attributes. I have added an issue upstream.
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You needs add class of authentication backend and orverride create_user method to add is_staff
or is_superuser
to True
in settings.py refering to you custom class backent
# auth_backends.py
from mozilla_django_oidc.auth import OIDCAuthenticationBackend
class KeycloakOIDCAuthenticationBackend(OIDCAuthenticationBackend):
def create_user(self, claims):
""" Overrides Authentication Backend so that Django users are
created with the keycloak preferred_username.
If nothing found matching the email, then try the username.
user = super(KeycloakOIDCAuthenticationBackend, self).create_user(claims)
user.first_name = claims.get('given_name', '')
user.last_name = claims.get('family_name', '')
user.email = claims.get('email')
user.is_staff = True #Here the fix that error
user.username = claims.get('preferred_username')
return user
def filter_users_by_claims(self, claims):
""" Return all users matching the specified email.
If nothing found matching the email, then try the username
email = claims.get('email')
if not email:
return self.UserModel.objects.none()
users = self.UserModel.objects.filter(email__iexact=email)
return users
def update_user(self, user, claims):
user.first_name = claims.get('given_name', '')
user.last_name = claims.get('family_name', '')
user.email = claims.get('email')
return user
In settings.py
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