Instead the values
method you can use the only
and serialize manually:
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django.forms import model_to_dict
from django.http import JsonResponse
def books(request):
prefetch = Prefetch('book_stat_set', queryset=Book_stat.objects.only('like', 'rating'))
qs = Book.objects.prefetch_related(prefetch).only('id','title', 'image')
result = []
for book in qs:
row = model_to_dict(book, fields=['id','title', 'image'])
row['image'] = row['image'].url
stats = []
for book_stat in book.book_stat_set.all():
stat = model_to_dict(book_stat, fields=['like', 'rating'])
stat['rating'] = str(stat['rating']) # or float(stat['rating']) - depends on your purposes
# you can calculate an average rating here
row['stats'] = stats
return JsonResponse(result)
If you need it only once you can serialize it by hand.
books = Book.objects.prefetch_related('book_stat_set')
books_json = [{
'id': book.id,
'title': book.title,
'image': book.image.url,
'stats': [
'like': stat.like, 'rating': str(stat.rating)
} for stat in book.book_stat_set.all()
} for book in books]
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