[Answered ]-Django not displaying correct URL after reverse


As you correctly mentioned you will never redirect to foo() from foo().

So the simple way to fix this is just add similar code as in main_page() view:

def foo(request, grade_level):

    if request.method == 'POST':
        grade_level = request.POST['grade_picked']
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('foo', args = (grade_level,)))
        parent_list = # get stuff from database
        emails      = # get stuff from database

        return render(request, 'list.html', context = {'grade_list' : grade_list, 'parent_list' : parent_list})

Please note that I remove grade_level = request.POST['grade_picked'] because as Nagkumar Arkalgud correctly said it is excessively.

Also instead of combination of HttpResponseRedirect and reverse you can use shortcut redirect which probably little easy to code:

from django.shortcuts redirect
return redirect('foo', grade_level=grade_level) 


I would suggest you to use kwargs instead of args.
The right way to use the view is:

your_url = reverse("<view_name>", kwargs={"<key>": "<value>"})


return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('foo', kwargs={"grade_level": grade_level}))

Also, you are sending “grade_level” to your view foo using the URL and not a POST value. I would remove the line:

grade_level = request.POST['grade_picked']

as you will override the grade_level sent to the method from the url.

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