The problem is in the way you include the auth URLs in the main one.
Because you use both ^ and $, only the empty string matches. Drop the $.
I had html anchor tag: <a href="{% url 'url-name' url=someUUID %}">
in my urls.py
path('some_name/<slug:slug>/', views.someDetailView.as_view(), name='url-name'),
Solution for this:
This: <a href="{% url 'url-name' someUUID %}">
Or this: <a href="{% url 'url-name' slug=someUUID %}">
<a href="{% url 'url-name' url=someUUID %}">
DetailView uses slug_field = 'someUUIDField'
For some reason I wrote url instead of slug. Now it works.
Maybe you wrote wrong also, make sure you use slug=
, if you use <slug:slug>
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