[Solved]-Django – missing 1 required positional argument: 'request'



request is passed as a first argument. Your first argument is self.

This is why it would be a good idea to extract get_indiceComercioVarejista from ChartData class:

def get_indiceComercioVarejista(request, format=None):
    data = {
        'customer' : 10,
        'sales': 100
    return Response(data)


I think the best approach would be to move get_indiceComercioVarejista out of the APIView, because APIView just dispatchs to the regular http methods: get post put patch delete.



def get_indiceComercioVarejista(request, format=None):
    data = {
        'customer' : 10,
        'sales': 100
    return Response(data)


url(r'^api/chart/indiceVolumeReceitaComercioVarejista/$', views.get_indiceComercioVarejista)

Another solution would be to use ViewSet which are the recommended when working with DRF.


Expanding on the other answers:

Your view defines get_iniceComercioVarejista as an instance method of the ChartData class.

However, in your urls.py, you have the following line:

url(r'^api/chart/indiceVolumeReceitaComercioVarejista/$', views.ChartData.get_indiceComercioVarejista)

You must declare an instance of ChartData by adding parentheses for that line to work as your view code is currently written. The modified line should read:

url(r'^api/chart/indiceVolumeReceitaComercioVarejista/$', views.ChartData().get_indiceComercioVarejista)

An alternative solution is removing self from the method definition as others have suggested, i.e.:

def get_indiceComercioVarejista(request, format=None)

This approach implicitly turns get_indiceComercioVarejista into a static method (read the discussion here) and your urls.py would work as written. If you choose this solution, I strongly suggest adding a staticmethod decorator.

Finally, if you decide to move get_indiceComercioVarejista out of the ChartData class, then remove the self argument and use the solution from @Willemoes


just remove self

from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
import requests
import pandas as pd

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response

class ChartData(APIView):

    authentication_classes = []
    permission_classes = []

    def get(self, request, format=None):

         data = {
            'customer' : 10,
            'sales': 100

        return Response(data)

#just remove self from bellow function it's unnecessary

    def get_indiceComercioVarejista(self, request, format=None):
        data = {
            'customer' : 10,
            'sales': 100
        return Response(data)
    def get_indiceComercioVarejista(request, format=None):
        data = {
            'customer' : 10,
            'sales': 100
        return Response(data)

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