In my case, I copied migrations folder from an existing folder to a new folder. The migrations were already run. The migration file also added index with a name. When I copied the migrations folder to this new folder and tried running python manage.py migrate
, it errored out because in the db, there was already an index with the same name.
Resolution: Just change the name of the index in the new migrations files!
This was a part of migrations file. Note that this file already existed and I created another copy and then tried running it again.
index=models.Index(fields=['client_id', 'enterprise_id', 'team_id', 'user_id', 'installed_at'], name='slack_bot_s_client__63314d_idx'),
Changing the name of the index to anything different worked. Just for reference, I modified the name like this:
index=models.Index(fields=['client_id', 'enterprise_id', 'team_id', 'user_id', 'installed_at'], name='slack_bot_v2_s_client__63314d_idx'),