[Fixed]-Django migration impossible because of bug in field default value?



why is Django running this โ€œoldโ€ code even if Iโ€™m deleting the model?

Because the model and its method are still referenced in the migration file 0001_initial.py

But when I change the default from fieldA_default to 0, running ./manage.py makemigrations fails because it tries to run the old default value function fieldA_default.

I assume, after you reset the default value on the field, you removed the โ€“ now obsolete โ€“ method fieldA_default. As mentioned above this method is referenced in the initial migration which is now bound to break.

how did I manage to get this invalid code into a migration without Django screaming at me?

When the migration was created, the code wasnโ€™t invalid. Some changes on the model cannot be handled by a simple forward migration. In your case:

  • Deleting the model when it is referenced and imported in a migration file (which in itself is just another python module that cannot just import non-existing classes)

  • same for removing the default method.

One thing you can do when your model code is messed up or out of sync with your migrations/db and makemigrations does not work from the current state, is the following:

  1. python manage.py migrate app_name zero # undo all existing migrations of app
  2. Delete all migration files from the app. Optionally, if you already have valuable data in the db, you can undo them one-by-one and see if step 3. already works

  3. python manage.py makemigrations app_name # new start from clean sheet

This is easy during development and can be considered an alternative to migration squashing, but obviously a last resort if you already have production data in the db. But in that case, one should apply model changes with care and consideration anyway ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Manually delete all references to Report from your migrations
  2. Delete reports table from DB
  3. Run python manage.py makemigrations. It will create new migration for Report.
  4. Push, deploy.

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