I think you are trying to control message
deletion in wrong place.
Current logical chain:
py: user.delete()
-> db: delete .. from tuser
-> db: cascade ..
-> db: trigger ..
-> py: ??? // trying to somehow catch last message
In such way business logic is mostly placed in db and not in orm, and there are problem on how to link db events with py callbacks. Or may be not to link them at all and place all logic into db?
If you want to manage deletion with orm, the logic should look like this:
py: user.delete():
py: messages = user.select_all_messages() // get all messages
py: for msg in messages: msg.delete() // or do what you want to do
-> sql: delete .. from tmessage
py: user.really_delete_from_db()
-> db: delete .. from tuser
x db: cascade .. // already done
x db: trigger .. // no need to catch events
In this way you firstly delete all dependent objects with full control on their deletion, and only then delete user entries without any unmanageable side-effects
Why do you delete the user ? You just could add a Boolean field to deactivate it. So you wonβt have to handle your messages issues.
class User(models.Model)
is_activated = models.BooleanField(default=True)
class Message(models.Model)
#there are some fields
user = models.ForeignKey('User')
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