The most efficient way to do this is using queries. This can be accomplished using annotations, in the following way:
from django.db.models import Sum
CircuitInfoData.objects.values("showroom_config_data__location") \
E.g. this will return data in the form
[{'showroom_config_data__location': u'site a', 'cost': Decimal('30.00')},
{'showroom_config_data__location': u'site b', 'cost': Decimal('5.00')}]
You can then format this output
for entry in output:
print entry["showroom_config_data__location"], " | ", entry["cost"]
To get
site a | 30.00
site b | 5.00
What if you just used a dictionary? Each circuit will have access to the showroom right? So If you built a dictionary and simply pulled out the value at a particular site if that is already being used as a key, you could simply add the value and store it again. Here is an example of this being done.
my_dictionary = dict()
for circuit in circuits:
if my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] in my_dictionary:
my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] += circuit.cost_per_month
my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] = circuit.cost_per_month
May not work exactly but the concept behind the code will give you the desired output you are looking for.
π€Michael Platt