[Fixed]-Django – Looping through two queries for the same data, and adding cost field for each



The most efficient way to do this is using queries. This can be accomplished using annotations, in the following way:

from django.db.models import Sum
CircuitInfoData.objects.values("showroom_config_data__location") \

E.g. this will return data in the form

[{'showroom_config_data__location': u'site a', 'cost': Decimal('30.00')},
 {'showroom_config_data__location': u'site b', 'cost': Decimal('5.00')}]

You can then format this output

for entry in output:
    print entry["showroom_config_data__location"], " | ", entry["cost"]

To get

site a | 30.00
site b | 5.00


What if you just used a dictionary? Each circuit will have access to the showroom right? So If you built a dictionary and simply pulled out the value at a particular site if that is already being used as a key, you could simply add the value and store it again. Here is an example of this being done.

my_dictionary = dict()
for circuit in circuits:
     if my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] in my_dictionary:
          my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] += circuit.cost_per_month
          my_dictionary[circuit.showroom_config_data.location] = circuit.cost_per_month

May not work exactly but the concept behind the code will give you the desired output you are looking for.

πŸ‘€Michael Platt

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