This was changed (in 1.8 I think) and Olivier’s answer doesn’t work anymore. According to the docs, the new way is
[f for f in Item._meta.get_fields()
if f.auto_created and not f.concrete]
This includes one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many.
I’ve found out that there are methods of Model._meta
that can give me what I want.
my_model = get_model('app_name','model_name')
# Reverse foreign key relations
reverse_fks = my_model._meta.get_all_related_objects()
# Reverse M2M relations
reverse_m2ms = my_model._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects()
By parsing the content of the relations, I can guess whether the “direct” field was a OneToOneField
or whatever.
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I was looking into this answer as a starting point to identify reversed relationships for a model instance.
So, I noticed that when you get all the fields using instance._meta.get_fields()
, those that are direct relationships, which are 3 types (ForeignKey
, ManyToMany
, OneTone
), their parent class (field.__class__.__bases__
) is django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey
However, those that are reverse relationships inherit from django.db.models.fields.reverse_related.ForeignObjectRel
. And if you take a look at this class, it has:
auto_created = True
concrete = False
So you could identify those by the attributes mentioned in the top-rated answer or by asking isinstance(field, ForeignObjectRel
Another thing I could notice is that those reverse relationships have a field
attribute which points to the direct relationship generating that reverse relationship.
Additionally, in order to exclude the fields instantiating the through
table, those have through
and through_fields
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And what about this :
oneToOneFieldNames = [
for field_name in Item._meta.get_all_field_names()
if isinstance(
RelatedObject may have a Field attribute for relations. You just have to check if this is a OneToOne field and you can retrieve only what you want
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if you are using Django Rest Framework, you could use something like that for your obj:
from rest_framework.utils import model_meta
info = model_meta.get_field_info(obj)
for field in obj.__class__.__dict__.keys():
if field in info.relations and info.relations[field].to_many and info.relations[field].reverse:
#print all reverse relations
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