[Django]-Django-like frameworks?



If you’re only looking for an alternative because of the hosting aspect of it, I suggest you simply find suitable hosting as opposed to throwing away the framework you like.

If you are looking for a good Django host, I HIGHLY recommend Webfaction.

If they’re not your cup of tea, check out djangofriendly.com, which has a huge list of good Django hosts.


If you’re looking for the cheapest hosting then PHP is probably your choice. The downside is that PHP is a horrible cobbled together language, and a lot of the PHP code out there is equally terrible (par for the course, I suppose).


Actually since django can run on fcgi, its theoretically possible to run it on any shared host. Here’s some instructions for site5 http://www.codekoala.com/blog/2008/installing-django-shared-hosting-site5/

Getting hosting for django should be much easier and cheaper than java and asp.net.


Consider deploying on GAE, which is free for small sites.



If you would like to develop with the help of the vast number of modules in CPAN, then Catalyst – Web Framework is a good choice.


You can create the Dynamic Data Site in Visual Studio 2010, which does the same thing like Django-admin site. It requires Entity Framework.

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