[Answered ]-Django left join


You can use code like the following:

s = Server.objects.get(id=1)
cmdinfo = s.commandinfo_set.all()

Which would return a list of all CommandInfo objects that have s set as the foreign key.

You can get more info at the Django docs, “Following Relationships Backward“.



Sometimes the Django ORM needs the left join field name to be explicitly name with select_related().

This is just off the top of my head so you’ll probably need to tweak it, but try something like:

s = Server.objects.select_related('commandinfo_set')


commands_by_server_id = defaultdict(list)
for c in CommandInfo.objects.select_related('server'):

servers = Server.objects.all()
for s in servers:
  s.commands = commands_by_server_id.get(s.id, [])

Please note that you need to get the servers list due you can servers without CommandInfo

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