[Django]-Django: invalid literal for int() with base 10



You want to search on the author’s author_name field, not the id.


With your current search, author__exact, Django expects name to be the id of the author, so gives an error because you is not an integer.



aquotelist = Quote.objects.filter(author__author_name__exact = name)

Try changing the corresponding line to the above. The way you have it now, you are matching author to the given name, but author is probably considered by its ID here, definitely not by its author_name. The format is as follows:

Quote.objects.filter([model]__[field]__exact = [whatever])


I have faced and solved similar issue,
focus on attribute : author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
django expect that you pass an Instance of Author class to the author field. When you search django want to get a id (a integer number of this Instance):
so to get :

aquotelist = Quote.objects.filter(author__exact = name)

you have to start by :

  1. create obj_Author = Author.objects.get(author_name = name)

  2. aquotelist = Quote.objects.get(author__exact = obj_Author.id)

PS: ( I used get() in my example but if you expect to get multiple record, you can you use filter() and modify something. but main point is that because you work with a “ForeignKey field” so you need to give it a id like obj_Author.id. )



I think you should reset your migrate , you can see this link :


i hope that help you.


I faced this issue and I figured out that I made records in the DB table that in your case is (Quote) before making the foreign key relationship with (Author) then after making the foreign key relationship Django doesn’t know what to do to handle the old data in Quote model (to which records in Author should old records be assigned to)

–> The simplest solution is to:

delete your old Quote records: Quote.objects.all().delete inside your shell

recreate and reassign its new records correctly

makemigrations, migrate and runserver … done

👤Omar Diaa


This will fix your problem permanently ::go to your directory

C:\python 37\Lib\site-packages\django\db\models\fields 

and edit the file __init__.py and edit line 1807; replace

return int(value)


return int()

So just delete the argument value then your program will except all field references.

👤Rishabh verma

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