[Django]-Django import-export new values in foriegn key model


In ForeignKeyWidget you have method

  def clean(self, value):
        val = super(ForeignKeyWidget, self).clean(value)
        return self.model.objects.get(**{self.field: val}) if val else None

you could try to override it to do something like get_or_create

it should look something like this…

from import_export.widgets import ForeignKeyWidget
class MyCustomizationToFKWidget(ForeignKeyWidget):

      def clean(self, value):
            val = super(ForeignKeyWidget, self).clean(value)


Provided the ForeignKey of your model can be null :

MyForeignKeyName = Models.ForeignKey(<modelclass>,blank=True, null=True)

You can add a before_import_row() method in your Resource class :

def before_import_row(self,row) :
    fieldname = 'MyForeignKeyName'
    if not( <modelclass>.objects.filter(pk=row[fieldname]).exists() ) :
        # print(row['id'],row[fieldname],'unknown key !') # console log
        row[fieldname ] = None # or something else.. *

*.. compliant with your foreignkey configuration [ python None = SQL null ]

I’m a bit new to Django so maybe it’s not the better way, but this solves my problem.

There’s also something about db_constraint=False that can be added to ForeignKey’s arguments (some info @stackoverflow and @django) but well, I did not find my way with it.



I found the best way to do this is with custom widgets. I found a thread on the django-import-export GitHub project here that contained a lot of useful information. From that I pieced together these two custom widgets that support creation of new objects. These should both work as-is by adding them to your admin.py module:

from import_export.widgets import ManyToManyWidget
from django.db.models import QuerySet

class ForeignKeyWidgetWithCreation(ForeignKeyWidget):
    Taken from a GitHub post.

    def __init__(self, model, field="pk", create=False, **kwargs):
        self.model = model
        self.field = field
        self.create = create
        super(ForeignKeyWidgetWithCreation, self).__init__(model, field=field, **kwargs)

    def clean(self, value, **kwargs):
        if not value:
            return None

        if self.create:
            self.model.objects.get_or_create(**{self.field: value})

        val = super(ForeignKeyWidgetWithCreation, self).clean(value, **kwargs)

        return self.model.objects.get(**{self.field: val}) if val else None

class ManyToManyWidgetWithCreation(ManyToManyWidget):
    Taken from a GitHub post.

    def __init__(self, model, field="pk", create=False, **kwargs):
        self.model = model
        self.field = field
        self.create = create
        super(ManyToManyWidgetWithCreation, self).__init__(model, field=field, **kwargs)

    def clean(self, value, **kwargs):

        # If no value was passed then we don't have anything to clean.

        if not value:
            return self.model.objects.none()

        # Call the super method. This will return a QuerySet containing any pre-existing objects.
        # Any missing objects will be

        cleaned_value: QuerySet = super(ManyToManyWidgetWithCreation, self).clean(
            value, **kwargs

        # Value will be a string that is separated by `self.separator`.
        # Each entry in the list will be a reference to an object. If the object exists it will
        # appear in the cleaned_value results. If the number of objects in the cleaned_value
        # results matches the number of objects in the delimited list then all objects already
        # exist and we can just return those results.

        object_list = value.split(self.separator)

        if len(cleaned_value.all()) == len(object_list):
            return cleaned_value

        # If we are creating new objects then loop over each object in the list and
        # use get_or_create to, um, get or create the object.

        if self.create:
            for object_value in object_list:
                _instance, _new = self.model.objects.get_or_create(
                    **{self.field: object_value}

        # Use `filter` to re-locate all the objects in the list.

        model_objects = self.model.objects.filter(**{f"{self.field}__in": object_list})

        return model_objects

You can use these in your import-export model resource class like this:

class SomeModelResource(Resource):
    my_fk_field = fields.Field(

    my_m2m_field = fields.Field(


You can create missing foreign key entries in the before_import_row() method of your Resource class:

class ProductResource(resources.ModelResource):
    def before_import_row(self, row, **kwargs):

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