[Answer]-Django ifequal not working


What you see in the browser is not what field.label_tag really is.

Actually field.label_tag is something like this (you can look at the HTML source):

<label for="id_password2">Password (Again):</label>

To quote a great man (and Django documentation):

{{ field.label_tag }} The field’s label wrapped in the appropriate
HTML tag.

This code should work:

{% if field.label_tag == '<label for="id_password2">Password (Again):</label>' %}

Now, obviously, nobody wants to write code like this. Strings with the HTML code? Come on, Nigel, you’re better than this!

Here is the better way:

{% if field.name == 'password2' %}

Actually, I think there is even a better way to handle form errors. You can read the documentation here.

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