[Fixed]-Django if else template tag queryset not right


You want to check if the user is in the team’s following:

<div class="progress-stats">
  {% if request.user in team.following.all %}
    <a href="{% url 'teams:unfollow' team.id %}">Unfollow</a>
  {% else %}
    <a href="{% url 'teams:follow' team.id %}">Follow</a>
  {% endif %}

As far as field naming goes, this would make more sense:

class Team(models.Model):
    followers = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='teams', blank=True)

Now, the users that follow a given team can be accessed via team.followers.all(), and a given user’s teams via user.teams.all().


Try changing request.user to just user.

request.user exists in the views code. The system automatically provides user to the template code however.

request.user is either Null or None, I am not sure which, but it basically means that any time you search for it in a query, from the template, it is not going to be there. Thus not request.user in whatever is always going to be true.

Edit: Also, if you are providing ‘user’ to the template explicitly from the view, try changing it to something else. As I said above, the template code automatically provides user. It does not provide request.user. Non-existing variables, in most cases, are just going to silently fail, and return the appropriate default value for their particular presuemed data-type.

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