Basically you are changing a single attribute (hx_get) based on a click. HTMX would make this a roundtrip to the server which seems inefficient as all the data is there on the page (assuming the value of the radiobuttons is the slug you are after). You can do this with pure javascript which would make the process much faster
//get the form
const venueForm = document.getElementById('venue-options')
//when implementing, replace [name='radio'] with name of radio input fields
const venueRadioButtons = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='radio']")
//get the default venue URL for later alteration
const venueURL = venueForm.getAttribute('hx_get')
// create a clickhandler to change the URL to selected radiobutton
const clickHandler = () => {
//get the slug value
let radioButtonSlug=document.querySelector("input[name='radio']:checked").value
//use reguylar expression to replace last '/word/' value with slug value
let newVenueUrl = venueURL.replace(/\/\w+\/$/, "/" + radioButtonSlug + "/")
//reset the the hx_get value
venueForm.setAttribute('hx_get', newVenueUrl)
// Assign the handler to the radiobuttons
venueRadioButtons.forEach(i => i.onchange = () => clickHandler());