[Django]-Django: How to rollback (@transaction.atomic) without raising exception?


transaction.set_rollback can do this.

class SomeCommand(BaseCommand):
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # Doing some stuff, changing objects
        if some_condition:
            # Return, rolling back transaction when atomic block exits

Quoting from the docs:

Setting the rollback flag to True forces a rollback when exiting the innermost atomic block. This may be useful to trigger a rollback without raising an exception.



Just call transaction.rollback().

Calling transaction.rollback() rolls back the entire transaction. Any uncommitted database operations will be lost.

You can see example in the docs.


You can manage the code execution to raise or not an exception:

    if some_condition:
        with transaction.atomic():
            # Your logic here
except Exception, e:  # An example, use a explicit error
    # Show something friendly instead of a exception

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