[Answer]-Django : How to rollback changes done to the database depending on some condition?


So what would populate_db see that indicates the transaction did not complete?

For example, the seat has been reserved but not yet paid for (because of fault). In this case, populate_db should not complete the transaction until it also has a payment authorization code.

Alternately, if you want to mark the seat’s status as being_reserved, then there is no transaction, the status gets set to being_reserved and other clients can see it. In this model, populate_db would be responsible for detecting the fault (through exceptions possibly) and returning the seat status to available in another database update.

The error in your thinking is that the database can remain consistent regardless of the failure of any component. That requirement cannot be satisfied. You cannot both allow other clients to see being_reserved and suffer a failure of populate_db.

This trade-off is central to every reservation system ever written. And there are too many ways to regain consistency in the face of arbitrary failure to enumerate here.


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