[Answered ]-Django | How to pass form values to a redirected page


You could build a dictionnary, with all your form fields, and use “render_to_response” :

newUser = form.save()
data = {}
for field in dir(newUser):
    if isinstance(getattr(newUser, field), Field):
        data[field] = getattr(newUser, field)
return render_to_response('summary.html', data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

and use the variables in your template ?



You may want to use the sessions, as described in http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/ ?



You could take a look at the Form Wizard which is included in the formtools contrib app. It’s handy for creating multi-page forms, while keeping all of the data around.

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