[Answered ]-Django: how to inject data when overriding get_queryset()?



The keyword arguments (kwargs) that the Django URL dispatcher passes to the view comes from the following:

  • Captured parameters in the URL expression
  • Additional arguments specified in the URL definition

All of them in urls.py.

So, for example, in order to get an ID form the URL in a form: /folder/id/:

url(r'folder/(?P<pk>\d+)/', FolderMediaListView.as_view)

Or if the id is constant (more rarely), you can pass it as an additional argument:

url(r'folder/', FolderMediaListView.as_view, {'pk': 1})

More information on the subject in the Django documentation.



You need to supply it in the URL. For example:

url(r'folder/(?P<id>\d+)/media', FolderMediaListView.as_view, name='folder_media_list')

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