You can truncate it to the resolution you need with Django Trunc() function:
from django.db.models.functions import Trunc
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Thank you to those who answered.
I want to add, after reading the documentation following their answers, that Django
has a built-in Trunc
for different types of time units (new, days, hours, minutes, etc.)
For example:
, TruncDay
, TruncMinute
so in my case, I could use Elisha answer:
from django.db.models.functions import Trunc
or I could just write:
from django.db.models.functions import TruncMinute
Another note: Trunc
is a nice option, but didn’t answer the question exactly.
Here’s an example: If there are two records in DB
, In the first record, the value in the created
field is:
2020-02-23 12: 19: 59.000000
And in the second:
2020-02-23 12: 20: 01.000000
will retrieve two records, since they are two separate minutes.
but I want to retrieve only one record, because the time difference between the two records is less than a minute ..
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