[Answer]-Django: How to add errors messages next to the form


hm you use form and write all htmls in the html file why???

why don’t you use


if request.method=='POST':
    borrower = BorrowerForm(request.POST)
    if borrower.is_valid():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(<success url>)
        #here error messages it passed along with the form
        return render(request, 'books/clerk/add_borrower.html',

borrower = BorrowerForm()
return render(request, 'books/clerk/add_borrower.html',
   {'logged_in':logged_in, 'username':username, 'type':type, 
   'error':error, 'borrower':borrower})

and use it the templates. that is what the purpose of forms.py. like :

<form class="form-signin" method="post" action="/sign_in/" role="form">
    {% csrf_token %}

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