[Django]-Django: how save bytes object to models.FileField?


  1. models.FileField(models.ImageField) needs django.core.files.base.File like objects

    • django.core.files.base.File
    • django.core.files.images.ImageFile
  2. File or ImageFile needs two args.

    1. IO object : which has seek() method (ex) io.BytesIO).

    2. name : str. (important! without name, it will not work).

  3. bytes object doesnā€™t have IOā€™s methods(ex) seek()). it should be converted to IO object.


class Message(models.Model):
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='message_image/%Y/%m', null=True)

views.py or consumers.py or some-where.py

import io
from django.core.files.images import ImageFile
from myapp.models import Message

def create_image_message(image_bytes):
    image = ImageFile(io.BytesIO(image_bytes), name='foo.jpg')  # << the answer!
    new_message = Message.objects.create(image=image)


You can try:

from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
import base64

file_data = ContentFile(base64.b64decode(fileData))
object.file.save(file_name, file_data)

You can use your file_name with an .m3u extension, and you shall have it.


I solved using temporary file. I used this code:

extM3u = str.encode(body.decode('utf8').split('EXTM3U\n#')[1].split('------WebKitFormBoundary')[0])

fileTemp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, dir='media/tmp')
filenameRe = re.compile('.*?filename=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]')
filename = regParse(filenameRe, body.decode('utf8'))
file = File(fileTemp, name=filename)
m3u = M3u(titleField=filename, fileField=file)


You can use a ContentFile. To do so:

from django.core.files.base import ContentFile

content_file = ContentFile(file_bytes, name=file_name)
# Assumes MyModel has a FileField called `file`


convert string to bytes

bytes_data = ... # bytes

string_data = bytes_data.hex() # this is a string that you can save in TextField in django model

then, to get bytes from the string:

bytes_data_2 = bytes.fromhex(string_data)

I apologize for the crooked translation, Iā€™m still only learning English.

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